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7 Tips To Manage Stress

 Tips To Manage Stress

7 tips to manage stress, tips to manage your stress, stress management tips, stress management strategies, health tips,

Exercise: By doing simple exercise daily you can reduce stress. It changes your mood and improves your health.

Maintain good diet: Intake the recommended amounts of grains, vegetables, fruits and protein foods.

Get enough sleep:  We must set a time-table to complete your daily works. In process of completing the works you should not reduce your sleeping time. It affects our health badly mentally and physically. So to lead good life you must sleep for seven to nine hours per night.

Limit alcohol and caffeine: These substances may interfere with sleep and worsen stress.

Use relaxation techniques: Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can relieve your stress completely.

Set goals:  Accept the real life facts that you cannot control. Prioritize your responsibilities and tasks for the day, set limits and do not take on more than you can handle.  Focus on accomplishments, not shortcomings.

Take time for yourself: Spend some time every day that you enjoy.  Take a walk either morning or evening, start reading books, spend some quality time with family members by keeping electronic items aside such as mobile phone.

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